Tuesday, May 13, 2008

UoM Tops GSoc 2008

Wooo, it is amazing. This year, it is a total of 24 awards for the University of Moratuwa, and it is the rank one in the world!!! Apparently University of Moratuwa, Sri Lanka had the most number of Google Summer of Code applicants and accepted proposals this year!

That's awesome! I'm proud to be an undergraduate of department of Computer Science of Engineering, Univ. of Moratuwa as CSE students started with one award 3 years ago and have bagged 18 GSoC awards this year. There is one ENTC student and another first year student
from the Faculty of Engineering. With a total of 24 awards for the entire

Congratulations to all GSocers at University of Moratuwa !!
Keep Rocking !!!